gluten free vegan
vegan t-shirts
tofu, tempeh, seitan
raw vegan

Explanation of the labels

Vegan Society

Vegan Society
The Vegan Society understands the word ‘animal’ to refer to the entire Animal Kingdom, that is all vertebrates and all multicellular invertebrates. The word may be used either as a noun or an adjective and to refer to either a species or an individual animal, depending on context. Unless otherwise stated, it usually means non-human animals.

The manufacture and/or development of the product, and where applicable its ingredients, must not involve, or have involved, the use of any animal product, by-product or derivative.

The development and/or manufacture of the product, and where applicable its ingredients, must not involve, or have involved, testing of any sort on animals conducted at the initiative of the manufacturer or on its behalf, or by parties over whom the manufacturer has effective control.

The development and/or production of genetically modified organisms (GMO) must not have involved animal genes or animal-derived substances. Products put forward for registration which contain or may contain any GMOs must be labelled as such.

V-Label of the European Vegetarian Union

V-Label of the European Vegetarian Union
(Translated by Google) The V-Label is awarded in Switzerland by Swissveg. There are two variants of the label: vegan and vegetarian. The variant is under the V label. A vegan product is marked with "vegan" and guarantees that the product is free of animal ingredients and additives. Animal testing is not permitted for the product or its components. Declarable genetic engineering is not allowed for the product. Genetic engineering that is not subject to declaration cannot be checked and therefore cannot be excluded. This includes e.g. Soybean oil without DNA: This is completely identical to conventional soybean oil. We also accept vitamin B12, which is produced with the help of genetically modified microorganisms (which is unfortunately very often the case today - but is not declared).

General Vegan Label

General Vegan Label
(translated by google) Some manufacturers put their own labels or "Vegan" writing on their products. These are purely vegan products. According to manufacturer these products contain no ingredients of animal origin. With organic food all ingredients must be declared, so you can rely more on these on the content information, than conventional products.

Raw Food Quality

Raw Food Quality
Raw food is, technically speaking, food that has not been heated above 42 degrees centigrade. This means uncooked foods, or more specifically, foods in their natural state. The raw foods diet includes vegetables, nuts, sprouts etc. in their unprocessed and uncooked state and omits most other foods. Most people who follow a raw vegan diet include a limited amount of foods that have undergone some processing, as long as the processing involves does not involve heating the food over 42 degrees.


(translated by google) Biodynamic farmers work together with the forces present in nature and in the preparations. They use this energy for soil improvement and quality enhancement. They use each other, the positive effects of the changing positions of the sun, moon and planets.

Active and harmonious shape the natural processes Demeter farmers engage actively, but in harmony with the natural processes. Use preparations that lead in homeopathic dosage to impressive improvements in the soil and in plants. They shape the landscape, so the important beneficial organisms such as bees find suitable living conditions.

Here, the Demeter farmers based on "Agriculture Course", the Rudolf Steiner has argued at Pentecost 1924 in Koberwitz. From the wealth of suggestions and hints biodynamic agriculture has since successfully practiced worldwide and developed.

Swiss Bud (Knospe)

Swiss Bud (Knospe)
The Swiss Bud Label stands for:
  • Natural diversity on the organic farm
  • No use of chemically synthesized pesticides or fertilizers
  • No use of genetic engineering
  • No use of unnecessary additives such as flavourings and colourings
  • Non-aggressive processing of foodstuffs
  • Inspection of organic production and processing
At least 90 percent of the raw materials in a product must come from Switzerland.

Swiss Bud (Knospe)

Swiss Bud (Knospe)
The Swiss Bud Label stands for:
  • Natural diversity on the organic farm
  • No use of chemically synthesized pesticides or fertilizers
  • No use of genetic engineering
  • No use of unnecessary additives such as flavourings and colourings
  • Non-aggressive processing of foodstuffs
  • Inspection of organic production and processing
The product contains more than 10 percent imported raw materials.

German Organic Label

German Organic Label
(Translated by Google) The German organic seal is actually the predecessor of the EU organic seal. In Germany, however, it is very often also printed on the packaging because customers are already familiar with it. The Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food has been awarding the seal since 2001. The same criteria apply as for the EU organic seal.


(Translated by Google) The Bioland e.V. awards the seal only within Germany and in South Tyrol. It was founded in 1971. Almost the same conditions apply to Bioland as to Naturland. The label is based on high ecological standards and has an extensive quality assurance system that goes beyond the pure EU organic guidelines. When it comes to animal welfare, Bioland is way ahead and goes far beyond the legal requirements.

CH-Bio / EU-Bio

CH-Bio / EU-Bio
Production and processing take place according to legal requirements, ie After the CH and EU Organic Regulation. These state requirements are much less strict than the laws governing Bio Suisse and Demeter in many areas. The two certifications "CHB" and "EU organic" are equivalent.

The organic logo guarantees that amongst others...
  • The production respects nature.
  • The products are produced in a sustainable way.
  • Genetically modified organisms are not allowed in organic agriculture.
  • For food, there are strict limitations to the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers, antibiotics
  • Organic agriculture strictly limits the use of food additives and processing aids and other inputs.
  • Each and every time you buy an organic product from your supermarket, or choose an organic wine at your favourite restaurant, you can be sure they were produced according to strict rules aimed at respecting the environment and animal welfare.


Products certified organic in Australia: » Do not contain Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) » Do not contain synthetic additives » Do not use chemical insecticides, herbicides or fungicides » Have not been treated with ionising radiation » Do not interfere with the natural metabolism of livestock and plants, and » Are not manufactured or produced using nanotechnology.


Fairtrade is an alternative approach to conventional trade and is based on a partnership between producers and consumers. Fairtrade offers producers a better deal and improved terms of trade. This allows them the opportunity to improve their lives and plan for their future. Fairtrade offers consumers a powerful way to reduce poverty through their every day shopping. When a product carries the FAIRTRADE Mark it means the producers and traders have met Fairtrade Standards. The Standards are designed to address the imbalance of power in trading relationships, unstable markets and the injustices of conventional trade.

Gluten Free (Certified)

Gluten Free (Certified)
Licensees undertake to comply with the production standards and controls required to be gluten-free. Only a product with this label is a clearly controlled gluten-free product.


At fabulous we make the following difference:

1) With label: This is a controlled gluten-free product.

2) Without a label - but with the tag "gluten-free"

This is a gluten-free product. However, the product may contain traces of gluten and is absolutely not suitable for people with celiac disease.


The NaTrue Label is your guarantee, the product that you buy is as natural as it can be:
  • Natural and organic ingredients
  • Soft manufacturing processes
  • Environmentally friendly practices
  • Also NaTrue Products contain:
  • No synthetic fragrances and colours
  • No petroleum derived products (Parafines, PEG, -propyl-, -alkyl-, etc.)
  • No silicone oils and derivatives
  • No genetically modified ingredients (complying with EU organic regulation)
  • No irradiation of end product and botanical ingredients
  • Products must not be tested on animals


During the collection and production of raw materials, nature is to be disturbed as little as possible. Particular care to protect endangered species is mandated. Genetic manipulation and modification are rejected. The transformation of raw materials into cosmetics is to be accomplished with care and with few chemical processes.

Renewable and biodegradable materials are preferred because their ecological impact is substantially lower, especially when they come from controlled biological sources or other responsible means using natural resources. With natural ingredients, one deals with substances that have been used and studied for ages, so there is a minimal toxicity potential. Natural products most easily fulfill the requirement of accountability and socially responsible production.


PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies program is the ultimate resource for conscientious shoppers, making the quest for cruelty-free products as easy as (vegan) pie. A PETA Bunny means, that products were produced without testing on animals and products are not sold in China.

Soil Association

Soil Association
Soil Association certified products must legally comply with the EU Organic Regulation. They must also meet their additional higher standards. Standards put their principles into practice and are at the heart of their work. The Soil Association wants to ensure the highest possible standards of animal welfare, environmental and wildlife protection, so they have their own higher – or stricter – standards in key areas.


Ecocert was the very first certification body to develop standards for "natural and organic cosmetics. The basic principles of the Ecocert standard are:

The use of ingredients derived from renewable resources, manufactured by environmentally friendly processes. Ecocert therefore checks:
  • The absence of GMOs, parabens, phenoxyethanol, nanoparticles, silicon, PEG, synthetic perfumes and dyes, animal-derived ingredients (unless naturally produced by them: milk, honey, etc.).
  • The biodegradable or recyclable nature of packaging.


The specifications developed by Ecogarantie are based on respect for the delicate balance between plants, humans and animals and on the strive for durability. Thereby never loosing sight of consumers expectations. Social-economic dynamics are taken into account as well.

Consequently ingredients and manufacturing methods of Ecogarantie products have to meet a number of criteria: DurabilitySafetyEnvironmentControl, The prohibition of testing of end products on animals.

CCF - Choose Cruelty Free

CCF - Choose Cruelty Free
CCF has a strict policy on animal-derived ingredients. CCF will not accredit an applying brand if any of its products contain any of the following ingredients:

​ Derived from an animal killed specifically for the extraction of that ingredient;
​ Forcibly extracted from a live animal in a manner that occasioned pain or discomfort;
​ Derived from any wildlife;
​ That are by-products of the fur industry; or
​ That are slaughterhouse by-products (meaning the animal was not killed specifically for the ingredient, but that the ingredient was available due to the animal being killed for other purposes).
​ Derived in a way that results in the death of that animal or insect either directly or indirectly
​ Derived from fish or crustaceans

​ ​ Animal derived ingredients that are currently accepted are: » Honey, beeswax & propolis » Lanolin » Milk products

Danger signs for chemicals and cleaning agents

Danger signs for chemicals and cleaning agents
According to the European Union, detergents, care products, cleaning agents and biocidal products such as algae killers and insect sprays must be labeled as dangerous with this seal.

Danger signs for chemicals and cleaning agents

Danger signs for chemicals and cleaning agents
Can cause allergic reactions. Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Causes serious eye irritation. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from heat / sparks / open flames. No smoking. If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice and have product container or label at hand. Dispose of contents/container according to the local / national regulations.



The following conditions now need to be met for a product or service to be considered Swiss and therefore designated as such:

  • Natural products (plants, mineral water, meat, etc.). Provenance is defined according to a single variable criterion depending on the product (e.g. the place of harvest for plant products).
  • Foodstuffs. At least 80% of the raw materials used must come from Switzerland. For milk and dairy products, 100% of the milk must be taken into account. In addition, the processing stage which confers on the product its essential characteristics (e.g. the processing of milk into cheese) must be carried out in Switzerland. There are some exceptions, notably for natural products which cannot be produced in Switzerland because of natural conditions (e.g. Cacao) or which are not available in sufficient quantity.
  • Other products, particularly industrial products. At least 60% of the cost price (including R&D costs) must be realized in Switzerland. The stage which confers on the product its essential characteristics takes place in Switzerland. There are exceptions here too: it is possible to exclude – under certain conditions – raw materials and semi-finished products which do not exist in Switzerland.
  • Services. The company's registered office must be in Switzerland and the company must actually be run from Switzerland.